May your heart be as big as the brains of a very clever Burmese cat.
I am Tubbs and I am slightly intimidated
The meandering thoughts of a one year old Chihuahua named Tubbs and her Burmese brother Vivian.
Look at him there. Sleeping without a care in the world. Its not called Burmese Chihuahua for nothing you know! At times it feels like I'm the one doing all the work. That might explain the worried look I've always got on my face. Lately I've been doing my part for the community by visiting old people with dementia. They are almost like normal people but they are old and mental. Not that there is anything wrong with that. In fact I quite like them , they are always pleased to see me and they laugh no matter how many times I tell my polar bear joke. I like the way they dress and its always warm where they live. It makes you realize that life is all about something but it's not about being rich or famous or a wanka. That's Chihuahuanese for ......wanka.
I am Tubbs and may your decrepitude be bountiful with loving people.
Ommm Tubbs
Anger and despair anger and despair I've got a silver frock(dress) so I don't care. This is the new Tubbs. Hideho I'm Tubsie and I'm back. From out of space and your here to find me here with that look upon my face I should have changed that stupid lock I should have thrown away the key if I thought for just one second you'd be back to bother me so now go go out the door I'm going through the anger stage cause I'm over the denial stage and I'm not sure what the next stage is perhaps it's bargaining but I don't care anymore 'cause I'm Tubbs.
Oh dear Leeeeeerd I almost forgot it rained it rained it rained it rained yay yay yay yay yay the river is full again and the ground is green again and all is almost well with the world.
May words of kindness tunnel their way into your speech. Always
The fires are back and it's been 40c in the shade again. Whilst I try and try to imagine a cooler wetter place it ends up looking like Jakarta. That's in Indonesia where 75% of the capital is under water. The cracks in the ground are getting bigger and its getting dustier here. On a lighter note we caught the feral cat wot ate some of our chickens. Sooty was his name. And this morning a fox went to his watery grave too. Maybe soon all our chickens will be safe. Maybe soon the fires will cease. Maybe soon it will rain. Maybe soon people will stop fighting. I am Tubbs and I am worried but what good does it do? And I still think George Bush is a turd.... (Definition of a turd: segment of a faeces.) That's right he's not even a full sample of fiscal matter. He's not the full turd. Speaking of turds how about that George Bush Junior?. Ooops sorry I was already talking about that turd. And why does he speak in half sentences? Is he just reafferming that he is not the full turd? That he is a fellaffel short of a kebab? That there is a kangaroo loose in his top paddock? That he is a sandwhich short of a picnic? Ah but as usual I have said too much.
May raindrops of truth fall upon you thoughts
Its summer and I'm happy cause the winter is a far away thing and the children they are laughing cause there's a new TARGET in town . We can buy our brand new undies (under wear) and be as happy as happy can be and I am Tubbsie, ate all my dinner and the wine is tasting good. (Please remember to drink irresponsibly)
I give you a ball of golden thread, do with it what you will.
Gentleness and kindness is what I'm all aboooot. But that mangie little cat Vivian keeps sticking his tongue up my snout....It's really my nose but that doesn't rhyme with abooot. Messages come to me from on high but Vivian just bites my thigh....
May the orange feet of demons stamp out your sorrows
They are melting. They are melting. Is anyone listening? Personally I just like looking at this picture because it reminds me that somewhere it is cool and somewhere there is water. Last night we looked at a meteor in the southern sky that is only ever going to pass us once. By US I don't mean the evil Disney empire I mean the planeeet Earth. What ever you do, save water because one of these days you will be all lathered up and the reservoir will run out. I'm Not joking. You know I don't joke because I am a Hairy Chihuahua.
May mauve eyed angels of understanding laugh at all your peccadillo's
Well that's true. The latest update with the chicken/feral cat scenario goes like this......A large trap has been set, five chicken thighs have been planted as bait and the wheelie bin has been filled with water in preparation. The last two remaining chooks have been christened Yvon and Carlo for obvious reasons which I am far too gallant to go into and basically it's still fopping hot. If you are sick of all my winging and whining and strangely beguiling swearing technique about the fires and the heat and so forth spare a thought for ME! The painting is a picture of a photo of a painting of the spirit of Jed,(of the Domain Art Critic fame...) Yes, maybe his sexual orientation was ambiguous and yes, perhaps he enjoyed bandannas and Dusty Springnutts a little too much but so what, get your laws and paws off my bum I say!
May the flames of love lap at the skirt tales of you favorite swimming frock.
Christ on a bycicle it's hot today!!! 40c in the shade so I am indoors avoiding the snakes and watching The Bill. I think I could make a great Inspector.....Inspector Tubbs...mmmmm
But that would take away from my true destiny as a player for the SOCCEROOS!!!!! Don't mention the word Totti in my house!
Alas she whom I adore has gone to far away Melbourne for a week and I am left to keep the peace. I hope you are all well and I will anwer you soon but my paws are having difficulty with the mailing system at the moment.
May moonbeams of joy cascade upon your alabaster bottoms.